Promotion of Access to Information Manual

This manual was prepared in accordance with: sections 14 and 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as PAIA)

to address the requirements of the

Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013. (hereinafter referred to as PoPIA)

This manual applies to: Tania Morgan & Co Pty Ltd

Reg. No.: 2020 / 079394 / 07

(hereinafter referred to as TM & Co)

Revision Schedule Version No Date Approved by Changes 1.01 PAIA

Manual Page 2 of 33 Date of compilation: July 2022

Date of next annual review: July 2023

Policy Statement

It is TM & Co’s policy to conduct its operations in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. This Manual regulates access to information and records owned, held by or otherwise under the control of TM & Co and the release of any such information or records by any of TM & Co’s directors, officers, employees, agents, or anyone acting on its behalf. Application This Manual applies to information and records owned, held by or otherwise under the control of TM & Co and the release of any such information or records.


The objectives of this Manual are to:

  • Provide a non-exhaustive list of information, records and other details held by TM & Co ;

  • Set out the requirements on how to request information in terms of PAIA and PoPIA as well as the grounds on which a request may be refused; and

  • Define the manner and form in which a request for information must be submitted. PAIA provides that a person may only request information in terms thereof if that information is required for the exercise or protection of a right. PoPIA provides that a Data Subject may, upon proof of identity, request the Responsible Party to confirm, free of charge, all the information it holds about the Data Subject and may request access to such information, including information about the identity of third parties who have or have had access to such information.

PoPIA further provides that where the Data Subject is required to pay a fee for services provided to him/her/it the Responsible Party must provide the Data Subject with a written estimate of the payable amount before providing the service and may require that the requestor pay a deposit for all or part of the fee. The capacity under which a Requester requests documentation/ information will determine the category he or she falls in. Please note that the Requester category has a bearing on the conditions of access to the information.

PAIA Manual Page 3 of 33 Date of compilation: July 2021 Date of next annual review: July 2022 Requesters have been classified into four categories:

1. Personal Requester: requests information about himself/herself/itself.

2. Representative Requester: requests information relating to and on behalf of someone else.

3. Third-Party Requester: requests information about another person. 4. a Public Body: requests information in the public interest. Proof of identity is required to authenticate the request and the Requester.

In view hereof, a Requester will be required to submit acceptable proof of identity such as a certified copy of their Identity Document or other legal form of identification.

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